If you aspire to become a registered nurse (RN), it could be worthwhile to consider pursuing an associate’s degree in nursing (ADN). ADN programs require relevant courses in hard sciences, such as biology and physiology, and include supervised clinical experiences. They also prepare aspiring nurses to pass the NCLEX-RN certification exam, which is required to start working as an RN.

Associate’s degrees in nursing are offered at most community colleges and vocational schools, and typically only take two years to complete. This makes the ADN the quickest and most affordable way to launch your career as an RN. ADN programs also generally have flexible class times, giving students who can’t afford to take time away from work the opportunity to take classes around busy schedules.

Almost half of the RNs who complete ADN programs will go on to earn bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degrees later in their careers. This is because BSN degree-holders are stronger job candidates, are qualified to take on more responsibilities in the workplace, and tend to earn significantly higher salaries. However, you could pursue a quick and affordable ADN program, then take an RN-to-BSN program on a part-time basis after your nursing career is off the ground. This has become a common practice, especially for aspiring RNs looking for ways to finance their education.

There are also special ADN programs available for already employed licensed practical nurses (LPNs) who wish to pursue more focused studies leading to career advancement. Like the RN-to-BSN program, these programs are available part-time, offer evening classes, and are generally tailored to allow nurses to work and study concurrently.

If you’re interested in becoming an RN in the state of Louisiana, take a look at the below list of the best associate’s degree in nursing programs in the state.

Baton Rouge

Baton Rouge Community College
  • Associate Degree in Nursing
School Program NCLEX score Time period
Baton Rouge Community College
Associate Degree in Nursing


Louisiana State University at Eunice
  • Associate Degree in Nursing
School Program NCLEX score Time period
Louisiana State University at Eunice
Associate Degree in Nursing

New Orleans metro area

Delgado Community College
  • Associate Degree in Nursing
School Program NCLEX score Time period
Delgado Community College
Associate Degree in Nursing


Northwestern State University of Louisiana
  • Associate Degree in Nursing: 91.6% NCLEX pass rate (2009 through 2018)
Bossier Parish Community College
  • Associate Degree in Nursing
Southern University at Shreveport
  • Associate Degree in Nursing
School Program NCLEX score Time period
Northwestern State University of Louisiana
Associate Degree in Nursing 91.6% 2009 to 2018
Bossier Parish Community College
Associate Degree in Nursing
Southern University at Shreveport
Associate Degree in Nursing

Other Louisiana cities

L. E. Fletcher Technical Community College
  • Associate Degree in Nursing
Louisiana Delta Community College - Monroe
  • Associate Degree in Nursing
Louisiana State University of Alexandria
  • Associate Degree in Nursing
Louisiana Tech University
  • Associate Degree in Nursing
McNeese State University
  • Associate Degree in Nursing
School Program NCLEX score Time period
L. E. Fletcher Technical Community College
Associate Degree in Nursing
Louisiana Delta Community College - Monroe
Associate Degree in Nursing
Louisiana State University of Alexandria
Associate Degree in Nursing
Louisiana Tech University
Associate Degree in Nursing
McNeese State University
Associate Degree in Nursing