Nurses are crucial to any healthcare institution and often in high demand across the nation. Prospective nurses can choose from several distinct education pathways. A number of colleges in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, offer the requisite programs for prospective nurses, including Harrisburg Area Community College and Widener University.

The most common nursing role in Harrisburg is that of a registered nurse (RN). There are a total of 6,860 RNs employed in Harrisburg, with the top RNs earning an annual salary in excess of $78,000. Interested individuals can enroll in either an associate’s degree (ADN) or bachelor’s degree (BSN) program. Both programs comprehensively cover the skills and training required for success as an RN, including significant amounts of clinical experience for students. Completion of either program will allow students to take the national licensure examination, the NCLEX-RN. Upon successfully passing this exam, students are officially licensed as RNs.

Alternatively, prospective nurses can opt to pursue a licensed practical nursing (LPN) path. There are 1,700 LPNs employed in Harrisburg; high-performing LPNs earn an annual salary in excess of $52,000. Aspiring LPNs can enroll in a state-approved certificate program, which will train and equip them to perform a large range of medical procedures. Upon completion of the educational program, students must take the national examination, the NCLEX-PN, in order to gain official licensure as practical nurses.

Lastly, prospective nurses may choose to become a certified nursing assistant (CNA). There are 2,680 CNAs employed in Harrisburg, with top CNAs earning an annual salary around $33,000. Aspiring CNAs can enroll in an accredited certificate program; these typically last only a few months and allow for flexible class scheduling. This training program provides students with the prerequisites to take the state-administered examination for official licensure as a nursing assistant.

To help you make an informed decision on joining the nursing profession, we have compiled below a detailed list of nursing schools and programs in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Harrisburg nursing schools by NCLEX score

Messiah University
One University Avenue | Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17055
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing: 94.7% NCLEX pass rate (2011-12 through 2020-21)
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice
  • Master of Science in Nursing
  • Post-Baccalaureate DNP
  • RN-to-MSN Degree Completion
HACC, Central Pennsylvania's Community College
One HACC Drive | Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110
  • Certificate in Practical Nursing: 93.1% NCLEX pass rate (2011-12 through 2020-21)
  • Associate Degree in Nursing: 89.5% NCLEX pass rate (2011-12 through 2020-21)
Central Penn College
600 Valley Road | Summerdale, Pennsylvania 17093
  • RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
Penn State Harrisburg
777 West Harrisburg Pike | Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057
  • RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
School Program NCLEX score Time period
Messiah University Bachelor of Science in Nursing 94.7% 2011-12 to 2020-21
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Master of Science in Nursing
Post-Baccalaureate DNP
RN-to-MSN Degree Completion
HACC, Central Pennsylvania's Community College Certificate in Practical Nursing 93.1% 2011-12 to 2020-21
Associate Degree in Nursing 89.5% 2011-12 to 2020-21
Central Penn College RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
Penn State Harrisburg RN-to-BSN Degree Completion