Nursing school can be an expensive endeavor, regardless of the school or program you choose. In addition to the costs of tuition and registration, there are additional expenses such as textbooks and school supplies, room and board, and general living expenses. In order to make an informed decision about which school to attend, it is important to factor all of these expenses into your budget.

Nursing school expenses can vary drastically and depend on a number of factors. The type of school is one important consideration. Public universities tend to be more affordable than private universities. The type of program is another major determinant of cost. For example, the quickest and least expensive option is a certified nursing assistant (CNA) certificate program. CNA programs are offered at community colleges and only take several weeks to complete. However, nursing assistants earn significantly less than nurses who pursued lengthier and more rigorous educational programs. In the state of Florida, CNAs can expect to earn around $23,000 per year. By contrast, after an educational program that lasts 12 to 18 months, licensed practical nurses (LPNs) earn approximately $41,000 per year. The state's registered nurses (RNs), who must pursue a two-year associate’s degree or a four-year bachelor’s degree, can expect to earn around $60,000 per year. Although the four-year bachelor’s degree is the most expensive and time-consuming, it also has the highest return on investment.

To help students make wise financial decisions about nursing school, we have compiled below a list of Florida colleges and universities with nursing programs, ranked from most to least expensive.

Cape Coral / Fort Myers area

Cape Coral Technical College
Certificate in Practical Nursing (12-month program): tuition and fees $4,659, books and supplies $914, room and board $6,240
Nursing Assistant Certificate (3-month program): tuition and fees $968, books and supplies $159
Fort Myers Technical College
Certificate in Practical Nursing (12-month program): tuition and fees $4,509, books and supplies $914, room and board $6,648
School Program Length Tuition & fees
Cape Coral Technical College Certificate in Practical Nursing 12 months $4,659
Nursing Assistant Certificate 3 months $968
Fort Myers Technical College Certificate in Practical Nursing 12 months $4,509

Deltona / Daytona Beach area

Flagler Technical College
Nursing Assistant Certificate (4-month program): tuition and fees $708, books and supplies $384
School Program Length Tuition & fees
Flagler Technical College Nursing Assistant Certificate 4 months $708

Fort Lauderdale

McFatter Technical College
Certificate in Practical Nursing (12-month program): tuition and fees $4,152, books and supplies $600, room and board $7,200
Sheridan Technical College
Certificate in Practical Nursing (12-month program): tuition and fees $3,900, books and supplies $600, room and board $8,280
Atlantic Technical College
Certificate in Practical Nursing (12-month program): tuition and fees $3,712, books and supplies $800, room and board $12,960
School Program Length Tuition & fees
McFatter Technical College Certificate in Practical Nursing 12 months $4,152
Sheridan Technical College Certificate in Practical Nursing 12 months $3,900
Atlantic Technical College Certificate in Practical Nursing 12 months $3,712


Concorde Career Institute - Jacksonville
Associate Degree in Nursing (15-month program): tuition and fees $36,190, books and supplies $4,549
Certificate in Practical Nursing (13-month program): tuition and fees $24,400, books and supplies $2,850, room and board $15,225
First Coast Technical College
Certificate in Practical Nursing (12-month program): tuition and fees $5,343, books and supplies $1,534, room and board $7,596
School Program Length Tuition & fees
Concorde Career Institute - Jacksonville Associate Degree in Nursing 15 months $36,190
Certificate in Practical Nursing 13 months $24,400
First Coast Technical College Certificate in Practical Nursing 12 months $5,343

Miami-Dade County

Miami Regional University
Associate Degree in Nursing (18-month program): tuition and fees $34,894, books and supplies $2,841, room and board $17,973
Fortis College - Cutler Bay
Associate Degree in Nursing (24-month program): tuition and fees $32,650, books and supplies $6,500, room and board $9,528
International Training Careers
Nursing Assistant Certificate (8-month program): tuition and fees $13,205, books and supplies $200, room and board $7,733
Florida Vocational Institute
Nursing Assistant Certificate (7-month program): tuition and fees $8,870, books and supplies $235
Mercy Hospital
Certificate in Practical Nursing (12-month program): tuition and fees $6,365, books and supplies $1,125, room and board $21,600
Miami Lakes Educational Center & Technical College
Certificate in Practical Nursing (14-month program): tuition and fees $3,456, books and supplies $815, room and board $14,896
Lindsey Hopkins Technical College
Certificate in Practical Nursing (18-month program): tuition and fees $3,255, books and supplies $2,805, room and board $14,364
Nursing Assistant Certificate (4-month program): tuition and fees $1,018, books and supplies $275
Robert Morgan Educational Center & Technical College
Certificate in Practical Nursing (18-month program): tuition and fees $2,454, books and supplies $425, room and board $22,050
Nursing Assistant Certificate (6-month program): tuition and fees $1,215, books and supplies $425
School Program Length Tuition & fees
Miami Regional University Associate Degree in Nursing 18 months $34,894
Fortis College - Cutler Bay Associate Degree in Nursing 24 months $32,650
International Training Careers Nursing Assistant Certificate 8 months $13,205
Florida Vocational Institute Nursing Assistant Certificate 7 months $8,870
Mercy Hospital Certificate in Practical Nursing 12 months $6,365
Miami Lakes Educational Center & Technical College Certificate in Practical Nursing 14 months $3,456
Lindsey Hopkins Technical College Certificate in Practical Nursing 18 months $3,255
Nursing Assistant Certificate 4 months $1,018
Robert Morgan Educational Center & Technical College Certificate in Practical Nursing 18 months $2,454
Nursing Assistant Certificate 6 months $1,215

Naples / Marco Island area

Immokalee Technical College
Certificate in Practical Nursing (12-month program): tuition and fees $5,250, books and supplies $904, room and board $10,080
Lorenzo Walker Technical College
Certificate in Practical Nursing (12-month program): tuition and fees $4,567, books and supplies $1,081, room and board $15,348
School Program Length Tuition & fees
Immokalee Technical College Certificate in Practical Nursing 12 months $5,250
Lorenzo Walker Technical College Certificate in Practical Nursing 12 months $4,567

North Port / Bradenton / Sarasota area

Suncoast Technical College
Certificate in Practical Nursing (13-month program): tuition and fees $5,712, books and supplies $875, room and board $12,350
Nursing Assistant Certificate (1-month program): tuition and fees $734, books and supplies $254
Manatee Technical College
Certificate in Practical Nursing (18-month program): tuition and fees $5,152, books and supplies $897
Nursing Assistant Certificate (6-month program): tuition and fees $2,186, books and supplies $294
School Program Length Tuition & fees
Suncoast Technical College Certificate in Practical Nursing 13 months $5,712
Nursing Assistant Certificate 1 months $734
Manatee Technical College Certificate in Practical Nursing 18 months $5,152
Nursing Assistant Certificate 6 months $2,186


Osceola Technical College
Certificate in Practical Nursing (12-month program): tuition and fees $4,590, books and supplies $748
Lake Technical College
Certificate in Practical Nursing (12-month program): tuition and fees $4,396, books and supplies $471, room and board $9,000
Orange Technical College
Certificate in Practical Nursing (11-month program): tuition and fees $3,956, books and supplies $940, room and board $19,316
School Program Length Tuition & fees
Osceola Technical College Certificate in Practical Nursing 12 months $4,590
Lake Technical College Certificate in Practical Nursing 12 months $4,396
Orange Technical College Certificate in Practical Nursing 11 months $3,956

Palm Beach

Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations
Associate Degree in Nursing (19-month program): tuition and fees $25,200, books and supplies $1,833, room and board $19,256
Occupational Associate Degree in Practical Nursing (14-month program): tuition and fees $22,519, books and supplies $1,306
Nursing Assistant Certificate (6-month program): tuition and fees $6,310, books and supplies $138
Cambridge College of Healthcare & Technology
Nursing Assistant Certificate (13-month program): tuition and fees $21,149, books and supplies $1,500
School Program Length Tuition & fees
Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations Associate Degree in Nursing 19 months $25,200
Occupational Associate Degree in Practical Nursing 14 months $22,519
Nursing Assistant Certificate 6 months $6,310
Cambridge College of Healthcare & Technology Nursing Assistant Certificate 13 months $21,149

Port St. Lucie

Fortis Institute - Port St. Lucie
Associate Degree in Nursing (24-month program): tuition and fees $38,195, books and supplies $1,800
Certificate in Practical Nursing (15-month program): tuition and fees $22,625, books and supplies $2,900
School Program Length Tuition & fees
Fortis Institute - Port St. Lucie Associate Degree in Nursing 24 months $38,195
Certificate in Practical Nursing 15 months $22,625


Lively Technical College
Certificate in Practical Nursing (14-month program): tuition and fees $6,115, books and supplies $731, room and board $14,308
School Program Length Tuition & fees
Lively Technical College Certificate in Practical Nursing 14 months $6,115

Tampa Bay

Ultimate Medical Academy
Nursing Assistant Certificate (12-month program): tuition and fees $13,300, books and supplies $1,000, room and board $14,484
Brewster Technical College
Certificate in Practical Nursing (14-month program): tuition and fees $4,434, books and supplies $699
Pinellas Technical College - Clearwater
Certificate in Practical Nursing (14-month program): tuition and fees $3,942, books and supplies $3,337, room and board $14,635
Pinellas Technical College - St. Petersburg
Certificate in Practical Nursing (14-month program): tuition and fees $3,942, books and supplies $3,337, room and board $14,378
School Program Length Tuition & fees
Ultimate Medical Academy Nursing Assistant Certificate 12 months $13,300
Brewster Technical College Certificate in Practical Nursing 14 months $4,434
Pinellas Technical College - Clearwater Certificate in Practical Nursing 14 months $3,942
Pinellas Technical College - St. Petersburg Certificate in Practical Nursing 14 months $3,942

Other Florida cities

Emerald Coast Technical College
Certificate in Practical Nursing (11-month program): tuition and fees $4,604, books and supplies $1,275, room and board $8,786
Tom P. Haney Technical Center
Certificate in Practical Nursing (14-month program): tuition and fees $4,503, books and supplies $632
Florida Panhandle Technical College
Certificate in Practical Nursing (12-month program): tuition and fees $3,980, books and supplies $922
Nursing Assistant Certificate (6-month program): tuition and fees $1,900, books and supplies $769
RIVEROAK Technical College
Certificate in Practical Nursing (12-month program): tuition and fees $3,774, books and supplies $960
North Florida Technical College
Certificate in Practical Nursing (12-month program): tuition and fees $3,753, books and supplies $2,000
Okaloosa Technical College
Certificate in Practical Nursing (16-month program): tuition and fees $3,591, books and supplies $1,428
School Program Length Tuition & fees
Emerald Coast Technical College Certificate in Practical Nursing 11 months $4,604
Tom P. Haney Technical Center Certificate in Practical Nursing 14 months $4,503
Florida Panhandle Technical College Certificate in Practical Nursing 12 months $3,980
Nursing Assistant Certificate 6 months $1,900
RIVEROAK Technical College Certificate in Practical Nursing 12 months $3,774
North Florida Technical College Certificate in Practical Nursing 12 months $3,753
Okaloosa Technical College Certificate in Practical Nursing 16 months $3,591