Many aspiring nurses keep a close eye on the cost of attending nursing school. The all-in cost of enrollment is comprised of several distinct components, which we profile below.

Tuition is typically the largest cost for any nursing student. Several factors determine a student’s tuition, and the amount can vary significantly across schools and programs. For example, shorter certificate programs entail lower tuition than lengthier degree programs. In most cases, public school students will pay significantly lower tuition than their private school counterparts. At many schools, a range of scholarship and financial aid funding options are available to help offset these costs.

Room and board
Room and board is usually the second most significant cost incurred by nursing students who choose to live on or near campus. This cost can actually sometimes exceed that of tuition, especially for public school students. The price of rent depends highly on the location and quality of accommodation which a student chooses.

Miscellaneous costs
Students should account for the cost of transport if they commute to their school’s campus. In addition, books, stationary, and school supplies are usually not paid for by the school. It would be reasonable to set aside one thousand dollars per semester for these expenses.

Cost can be a crucial factor in deciding whether or not a nursing school is the right option. Bear in mind, however, that nurses in North Carolina are very well paid, with median salaries that range from $41,500 for licensed practical nurses (LPNs) to $58,500 for registered nurses (RNs) to $85,000 and above for advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs). Thus, North Carolina’s nurses typically find that the return is well worth the educational investment.

To help the state’s prospective nurses decide if nursing school is a worthwhile investment, we have profiled below the program expenses at major North Carolina colleges and universities.


Carolinas College of Health Sciences
Associate Degree in Nursing (19-month program): tuition and fees $21,491, books and supplies $3,284, room and board $28,490
School Program Length Tuition & fees
Carolinas College of Health Sciences Associate Degree in Nursing 19 months $21,491
North Carolina