We've organized a comprehensive list of Illinois nursing schools. Below you'll find information on specific nursing programs such as LPN certificates and ADN, BSN, and MSN degrees. You'll also find a profile of nursing education and careers in each major Illinois city.

Springfield, Illinois, offers several excellent training programs for local students interested in a nursing career. With the healthcare industry booming, graduates can look forward to employment at major providers like Memorial Health System and Springfield Clinic. Students must identify the nursing role that fits their career plans and understand what training and certification is required to begin practice.

Nursing roles

Illinois’ healthcare industry is expected to boom in the coming years, as the state sees a 10%+ increase in nursing jobs available by 2020. The Naperville area offers several state-approved programs for students interested in pursuing a nursing career. Graduates can seek employment with major healthcare organizations like DuPage Medical Group and Edward Hospital and Health Services. However, aspiring nurses must take care to select the right training program for their desired role and career trajectory.

Certified nursing assistant (CNA)

Nurses at all levels play an absolutely critical role in today’s healthcare system, and that role is projected to expand in the years to come. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, nursing is one of the highest-growth professions over the next decade. Joliet, Illinois is no exception to this trend. With healthcare employers like Advocate Health Care, Adventist Hinsdale Hospital, Presence Health, and many others in the area, Joliet is a great place to start a nursing career. One of the most important considerations when deciding on a nursing program is the career path to pursue.

There are many nursing education and employment opportunities in the Chicagoland metro area. Chicago is home to top nursing schools such as the University of Illinois and Benedictine University, as well as major nursing employers such as VITAS and Tenet Health. There are a wide range of programs and jobs for nurses at all levels, including programs for certified nursing assistants (CNAs), licensed practical nurses (LPNs), registered nurses (RNs), and advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs). Deciding upon the career path that suits you best is one of the most important considerations.

With the challenges presented by an aging population, growing numbers of lifestyle diseases, and a steadily expanding healthcare system, the medical community is relying more and more on nurses. In Aurora, there are plenty of employment opportunities in healthcare for nurses at all levels. Understanding the different roles in the nursing field is the first step to finding the program that is right for you. Below you can read about these nursing roles in greater detail.

Certified nursing assistant (CNA)

Cost is one of the top concerns for making education decisions. There are many expenses in nursing school beyond the simple cost of tuition, fees, room, board, and books. Other expenses include the up-front costs of moving in, including apartment furniture and additional school supplies. The total cost of attending nursing school also depends on the type of school and length of program. Broadly speaking, the less time spent in school, the less expensive it will be. That said, it is important to remember that more time spent in school often correlates with a higher salary.