We've organized a comprehensive list of Iowa nursing schools. Below you'll find information on specific nursing programs such as LPN certificates and ADN, BSN, and MSN degrees. You'll also find a profile of nursing education and careers in each major Iowa city.

Embarking on a nursing career is a monumental life decision. It's critical to evaluate all factors when selecting your educational institution, including personal fit, programs offered, and (of course) price.

While it's understandable to be pocket-weary, bear in mind that a nursing education is an excellent investment. In Iowa, the annual mean wage for registered nurses is $53,520. Advanced practice registered nurses can earn anywhere from $85,290 (nurse practitioners) to $161,770 (nurse anesthetists) on an annual basis.

A public college or university is an institution primarily supported by state funds and governed by state-appointed boards and trustees. There are many benefits to attending a public college or university. For example, if you attend a public institution in your home state, you will earn a big break on tuition costs. As a state resident, you'll also have a higher chance of admittance than out-of-state applicants. Public universities and colleges tend to be larger and therefore have more program options than private institutions.