We've organized a comprehensive list of Mississippi nursing schools. Below you'll find information on specific nursing programs such as LPN certificates and ADN, BSN, and MSN degrees. You'll also find a profile of nursing education and careers in each major Mississippi city.

The master of science in nursing (MSN) program is an advanced qualification for nurses to further their careers in specialized fields such as nursing administration, nursing education, and family practice nursing. An MSN-educated nurse can enter high-paying advanced practice roles. For example, Mississippi’s nurse practitioners earn a median annual salary of over $90,000, while its nurse anesthetists receive almost $150,000 in average annual pay. We highlight some of the state’s best MSN programs below.

Mississippi University for Women

Mississippi’s healthcare providers are in short supply for registered nurses (RNs). The state’s aspiring RNs have two options for prelicensure education: a two-year associate’s degree in nursing (ADN) and a four-year bachelor of science in nursing (BSN). Both programs prepare students to pass the NCLEX-RN national licensure examination. However, the ADN program is a faster pathway to nursing employment, and it keeps open the possibility of further education (e.g., an RN-to-BSN completion program) at a later date.

Education pathways

Many nursing job opportunities are available in the Gulfport / Biloxi / Pascagoula area, as local employers like the Department of Veterans Affairs actively seek new nurses to join their ranks. Local nurses are also very well compensated, with a higher median salary for each role than the corresponding state average.

The nursing roles
Nursing employment entails specific patient care responsibilities. Nurses in junior roles normally carry out practical duties under the guidance of a more senior nurse.

Private colleges and universities often cost more than their public counterparts since they do not receive state subsidies. However, Mississippi’s nursing employers hold the state’s private schools in very high regard. Aspiring nurses should therefore strongly consider the benefits offered by Mississippi’s private nursing schools.

Advantages of private colleges and universities

Although the associate’s degree in nursing (ADN) is sufficient for becoming a registered nurse (RN), it is becoming increasingly important for RNs to pursue bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) programs in order to stay competitive in the field. The current job market demands nurses with advanced training, practiced communication skills, and strong leadership in order to tackle the increasingly complex healthcare situation in the U.S. Many employers, including the U.S. Army and Navy, require a bachelor’s degree in order to work in their facilities.

The licensed practical nursing (LPN) program offers a gateway to a rewarding career in healthcare, and it only requires a year to complete. If you’re interested in starting a career as an LPN, there are many reputable institutions in Mississippi with LPN programs. Below, you can read about the job description, educational program, and career prospects in greater detail.

The role of an LPN